5 Fab Facts (Episode 19)

Nov 6, 2020

fab facts

5 Fab Facts heard on latest episode

Below are the top 5 Fab Facts heard on Episode 19 of Newsy Pooloozi!

In this episode we dove into the big US election with reports from our kid correspondents from the capital, Washington DC, the battleground states of Florida and Texas, and an analysis from California. We’ll even told you what “battleground and swing state” actually means! But that’s not all… We also had a dose of environment-meets-tech news, reporting on how the wind from dirty cars is being harnessed for clean energy. We also found out why the city of Angels is celebrating two monumental sporting championships. And ended with another election that barking mad!

And the top fab facts that came out of all that were:

FAB FACT NUMBER 1: The United States of America’s Congress is divided into two groups of lawmakers: The Senate and the House of Representatives.

FAB FACT NUMBER 2: A battleground state in an election is one that’s so important, winning it could mean winning the whole election. While a swing state is a state that easily could sway either way for the two main candidates.

FAB FACT NUMBER 3: Going on a “block walk” is when people walk door-to-door, handing out leaflets and talking to people either about a candidate, a political party or the importance of voting.

FAB FACT NUMBER 4: Wind turbines are modern windmills, which look like gigantic fans, usually in the countryside or at sea, with blades so high up in the sky, where it’s windy, they move round and round, creating energy which can be turned into electricity.

FAB FACT NUMBER 5: Baseball’s Los Angeles Dodgers and basketball’s LA Lakers have both won championships this year – the first time since 1988.