Latest Podcast Episode
End to Israeli war, Chinese New Year, debate over athletic horses, bottled bones
Hear from Israeli and Palestinian kids, extreme weather hurts education, happy year of the snake, horse debate, bottled bones help solve crimes
Feb 5, 2025 Episode 191

Newsy Pooloozi: An Educational News Podcast for Kids
Newsy Pooloozi is a weekly world news podcast for kids (though a lot of adults listen to us too!). Our educational podcast covers everything from top science news to the latest in tech, arts, culture, sports, current affairs and more.
Each podcast episode takes a deep dive into our “Big Story of the Week.” These are bite-sized educational stories for kids — about how mushrooms “talk,” bumblebees play, why we get colds, what the Year of the Rabbit means, who celebrates Eid and “Carnival,” and big news stories like the Russia-Ukraine war, China-Tawain tensions, nuclear powered submarines and even chatbots, like ChatGPT, explained.
We also end each episode with an “Oddball Story,” to make you smile — like New Zealand’s young rat catchers, whales with nosey lips (which you’ll never guess what they’re used for), recycling human hair in Belgium (no, not for wigs), Italy’s oily coffee (yumm, errr, maybe) and San Francisco’s dog cafe (ruuuf!). It’s edutainment at its finest (if we do say so ourselves).
Newsy Pooloozi is also a news podcast for kids by kids. That’s why our correspondents are children from all over the world — Asia, Africa, Europe, UK and North America. (Can you see what’s missing? Yes – if you’re a kid in Latin America and have interesting stories from there to share, join our team of correspondents!)
The team behind Newsy Pooloozi, a grassroots educational podcast for kids, is a passionate mother-daughter duo. We’re also a proud member of the Kids Listen network and made two of Common Sense Media’s lists of most recommended podcasts as well as the New York Times 30 best podcasts for kids!
And if you want to hear how it all began, here’s a snappy lil’ trailer about why we started this podcast way back in July 2020. But for the more recent short take on who we are and why we changed our name from Newsy Jacuzzi to Newsy Pooloozi — have a listen to this one too.