Below are the top 5 Fab Facts heard on Episode 30 of Newsy Pooloozi!
In this episode we told the story of India’s cricket team, B-team to be precise. Against all odds, battling through pain, broken bones, racist abuse and more – the Indian cricket team pulled off a stunning victory in Australia that had the entire country beaming with pride. (And don’t worry, American listeners – this is more a story of grit than the nitty-gritty of cricket!) We also found out what disturbing little things are swirling around the Arctic Ocean and we’re not talking about icebergs or seals but dirty old microplastic. We also told you how to be a “fun-gi” on the court, or in the field, with the new “mushroom-leather” athletic shoes from Adidas. And you won’t believe what the European Food Safety Agency has approved as “new grub” – mealworms!
And the top fab facts that came out of all that were:
FAB FACT NUMBER 1: Cricket is a bat-and-ball game invented by the English, played in all white uniforms in matches that can go on for days. And test cricket matches are what…
A test match is a grueling series that can go on for five days and is considered the most thorough “test” of a team’s abilities.
FAB FACT NUMBER 2: Microsplastics have been detected in the Arctic Ocean – but what are microplastics?
Microplastics are the tiny fibres or threads of plastic that are often too small to be seen with with our eyes.
FAB FACT NUMBER 3: What kind of technology is used to determine the exact type of plastic found floating in the Arctic?
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectronomy was used to determine just what kind of plastic was found in the Arctic ocean – 75 percent of which were found to be polyester, a common material in synthetic clothing.
FAB FACT NUMBER 4: An alternative to leather is being developed using what material for making sports shoes?
Mycelium – that’s the vegetative part of a fungus that produces mushrooms – and can be used to make “mushroom leather” – a vegan alternative.
FAB FACT NUMBER 5: Mealworms have been approved in Europe to be available as human food. They’re Rich in protein, fat and fibre. But they’re not really worms are they?
Mealworms are actually beetle larvae, and they’re already used in Europe as a pet food ingredient. But now they can be used whole or dried in curries and other recipes, like as a flour to make biscuits, pasta and bread.