5 Fab Facts Quiz (Episode 48)

May 26, 2021

fab facts

5 Fab Facts heard on latest episode

On Episode 48 of Newsy Pooloozi – it’s official, the US government has finally, openly, recognized the need to research unidentified flying objects, which, by the way, go by a different name these days. We tell you all in this episode. And if, if, if aliens should ever make it to earth, we think they should have a juicy burger – a dish that we think  sums up earthlings pretty well. And happy International Hamburger Day, by the way! And what’s all the drama about? We heard about the dramatic pandemic craze that’s taken off from Holland to India. Finally, we say tomato, the Brits say “tomahto.” What happens when two English towns share the same river but pronounce it differently? They battle it out, of course. How? Oh, in that most vicious English way – croquet!

Dive in to the episode here and then…