“Ask and ye shall receive,” as the old saying goes.
In other words… you wanted the Five Fab Facts turned into an online quiz to take after listening to the podcast and, voilà! We’re doing it.
For those who don’t know the ins-and-outs of our weekly news podcast for smart kids and curious adults, Newsy Pooloozi is full of general knowledge!
Yes, I hear you across the world saying, “But it’s a news podcast not a GK trivia show?!”
True, but in order to put the news into context for those who might not know it all, we often pack our reports with a lot of background information and general knowledge. For example? Well, from what microbes actually are to when women got the right to vote. Or why India celebrates Diwali to just what a fatberg is (no, we didn’t make that one up). And then there are a lot of slightly big (and impressive!) words people might have heard but aren’t 100% sure what the definitions actually are – from harrowing to perseverance.
So we recap the top five facts every episode right at the end of the podcast, just before we say our goodbyes and shout-outs. For a long time we’ve also included a written version of the recap on our website’s Lucky Dip Blog page, as some teachers like having them available for their class. (Newsy Pooloozi is “Friday fun listening” for many classes or some teachers assign it as extra credit work. So the text version of the Fab Facts recap is handy for teachers.)
Then our teachers community asked for the Five Fab Facts to be turned into a Q&A segment, echoing the many experts who say this helps kids engage better with what they’ve learned. Same with expanding vocabulary – repeating the words heard in a lesson (or a podcast) at the end of the session is known to help increase verbal skills. Using the word in a sentence again and asking what it means furthers that.
And now educators and parents have asked for more – to turn those five fab facts into a little online quiz.
So we have!
Every week from Episode 35’s Fab Facts Recap onwards you can visit the Lucky Dip Blog page to find the Five Fab Facts Quiz.